The First Installment in the Saga "Galaxy at War"
Published on February 5, 2009 By Cypher In AARs

Hello everyone. This is my first attempt at an AAR. As the title suggests, this is the beginning of something. What I intend for this to be the beginning of is a saga of stories I call "Galaxy at War." This AAR, while containing many aspects of a normal game of GC2, is fictional and is not based on any actual game in particular.

Before I begin, I would like to explain the title. As you will find out in this AAR, the Galaxy is in a state of total war. The purpose of this story in particular is to provide an explanation for why the Galaxy is at war. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the word "unsung," it means "untold" or something that is not famous. "The Unsung Beginning" is the story of the origins of the war that is sweeping through the Galaxy. Most of the characters in this story and its sequels are unaware of why they are fighting - they just know that they have to in order to survive.

Any comments, questions, or suggestions that you have while you are reading this AAR are welcomed. I would like to get as much feedback as possible, since this is my first AAR. If I am unclear on a certain aspect of my story, please let me know. I hope you enjoy "The Unsung Beginning." Best Regards.


February 22, 2321

Terra - Sydney, Oceania - Office of the President of the Terran Alliance

"Mr. President, I cannot stress how crucial it is to the expansion of the Alliance for us to invade Umbrion. Besides the fact that it would deal another crippling blow to the already weakening Torian Confederation, we would gain an incredible staging point for the gathering of Alpha Fleet in preparation for the assault on Kona. As you well know, we cannot take Drengi without first taking out Kona."

As his Fleet Admiral continued to plead his case, President Joshua Aigen could do nothing but sit back in his chair and let forth a long, audible sigh. 'Oh great - another rant on the importance of capturing a planet as quickly as possible, just so we can move on to the next planet, take some more lives, and start the cycle all over again,' was what continually ran through Joshua's mind every time he called his Cabinet together for a Council of War...

"... sir?"

"Huh? Could you repeat that Admiral?"

"I was just discussing the possible invasion tactics that we could employ in order to capture Umbrion. Sir, I think the best tactic in this situation would be..."

"No, Admiral. We will not resort to the barbaric tactic tactic that is Mass Drivers. I resent the fact that anyone ever imagined it to be a good and essential tactic in battle. As an off-hand note, I'm surprised, as well as thankful, that nobody had the five brain cells required to realize that someone can strap a rocket to a small asteroid, hit "Ignition", and watch it descend upon a planet, killing thousands of lives as it slams into the ground."

"Mr. President, I realize that you have never been a strong supporter of using Ma..."

"Strong supporter! You, as well as everyone in my Cabinet, know that I hate that tactic with every fiber of my being. It's cowardly, not to mention cruel."

"But sir..."

"No, Admiral. End of discussion. You know that you're lucky I'm even considering the invasion of yet another planet. Do you forget that the Torian people were once our friends? The least we can do, in respect of the friendship we once shared, is refrain from throwing gigantic rocks at them and killing billions of their citizens."

"Sir, I, as well as everyone else, do not forget the friendship that once existed between us and the Torians. But that was almost forty years ago - it's time to move on. We need to use whatever method of invasion we have at our disposal to prevent the needless loss of human life."

"Needless loss of human life! Dammit Admiral - we lose over ten billion soldiers every week, and you sit here talking about invading more planets, using brutal invasion tactics, and preserving human life! We will never succeed in preserving humanity as long as we continue this terrible war!"


"No, Admiral. I've heard enough. While I detest promoting the invasion of yet another planet, I know that it is neccessary to keep the Terran Alliance safe. But I will never - I repeat, NEVER - allow you, or any other General of the Alliance, use cowardly, barbaric tactics to acheive a victory. This Council is dismissed."

February 22, 2321

Terra - Sydney, Oceania - Presidential Suite

Six hours after the meeting, and Joshua was still seething. 'Why? Why do my most trusted advisors fail to see things from my point of view? They know I detest these barbaric tactics, yet they continually press me for my seal of approval. It's almost as if they think I will cave-in to their desires if they ask more.'

"Rough meeting, sir?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry - good evening Matthew."

"Yes, good evening indeed. I ask again - rough meeting, sir?"

"Let's just say I've had better."

"Ahhh... let me hazard a guess. Your Cabinet asked for permission to throw some rocket-propelled boulders at a planet again."

"You know me too well, Matthew."

Matthew Wycliff was one person who could never get on the President's nerves, no matter how hard he tried. And he rarely ever tried. Matthew worked for the Presidential Administration as a Historical Analyst. He was the guy repsonsible for determining how one race would indirectly be affected by a certain action taken against another race. He was the man who knew the most about the histories of other alien races. One would be hard-pressed to find a historical fact that Matthew didn't know.

He was also Joshua Aigen's most trustworthy friend.

As Matthew turned to leave, Joshua couldn't resist asking the question that he had asked so many times before, but had never received the full answer to...


"Yes, Mr. President?"

"I realize I have asked you this question many times, and I realize we have always agreed it to be too long a subject to discuss in its entirety, but I need to know the answer. The complete answer."

"Yes, sir?"

"Why? Why is the Galaxy so messed up? Once upon a time, most of the Galaxy was at peace. We had friends who were aliens. Wars were rare, and when they did happen, the other nations of the Galaxy did everything in their power to stop them before they escalated. What went wrong?"

"Ahhh... I've been waiting for the day where my knowledge in its fullest form would be required. I agree with you, sir. It is time. It is time you hear the story. The real story."


Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 05, 2009

mmmm liking this already mr-a great start and well written-KUTGW

on Feb 05, 2009

Thank you. You've got some great ones yourself...

I hope to have the next chapter up within a few hours.

on Feb 05, 2009

Chapter 1

June 1, 2239

Onboard the TAS Rising Sun - Somewhere in Hyperspace

As he sat down to lunch in the mess hall, Jason Harper struggled with a nagging thought that had plagued him for the last two hours...

'What if it wasn't just another anomaly? I've never seen a blip like that one on the scanners before. It was so... sleek. It was long, thin, and very faint, but it definitely didn't strike me as an anomaly.'


Snapping out of his reverie, Jason gazed up, and, upon seeing Captain Kyle staring back down at him, he quickly rose to his feet and gave a smart salute.

"Yes, Captain?"

"At-ease. Harper, I've been having troubled thoughts these last two hours. I assume you know what I'm talking about?"

"The anomaly, sir?"

"Yes and no. I do not believe that whatever we saw on the scanners was actually an anomaly. I gather that you don't believe it either. But whatever it was, it was definitely there and gone in a quick way. I've never seen a random anomaly, apart from the occasional wormhole, and I sure as hell know that I've never seen a thin anomaly."

"You're correct, sir. I don't believe it was an anomaly either, but what can we do? The Admiral himself checked it out, and he told us not worry about it. We can't go against our own Admiral, but I believe we must do something."

"Yes, yes. Whatever it is, it's following us. I just got back from the Bridge - they've seen a faint blip on the scanners several times within the last hour. I fear we may come to know this thing's true identity soon enough."

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why are you telling me this?"

"Ahhh... I apologize. I'm telling you this because you were there when we saw it the first time. You know just as well as I do that this thing is not just another anomaly. Whatever it is, it's going to attack. Soon. We need to be ready, so I am promoting you to Sergeant. I'm counting on you to be ready for whatever's going to hit us. Can I count on you?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you. I'm honored."

"Good. Well, whatever it is probably won't attack us for a few more hours - maybe even a day, so you might as well get yourself some rest. Can't fight a fierce battle against an unknown enemy without any sleep, can you now?"

And with that final comforting thought still ringing around Jason's head, the Captain walked away, most likely returning to the scanners. He would put on his suit of bravado, but deep inside, Jason could tell he was worried. Worried for the ship. The crew. His life.

He had a right to worry. Within a few hours, everyone on board would have the right to worry.

Everyone would have the right to be terrified.

on Feb 05, 2009

I'm working on Chapter 2 right now - should be up in an hour or two...

... was hoping some of my fellow Tyrants would have dropped in and read this.

I guess I'll just have to add some more action to the story!

on Feb 05, 2009

Chapter 2

June 2, 2239

Onboard the TAS Rising Sun - Somewhere in Hyperspace

"Alert! Alert! Man your battlestations! The ship is under attack! Alert! Alert! Man your battlestation! The ship is under attack!"

No one ever saw it coming. The ship seemed to materialize out of nowhere. It was pure black, except for the title, Shadow Hawk, written in the purest of silver. We were hit before we even had seen the ship. Truthfully, we were hit four times before anyone saw the ship. In those four hits, over one-hundred crewmen died, another fifty were injured. The two massive engines mounted on the back of the Rising Sun were completely destroyed, along with half of the Bridge.

Captain Kyle died instantly.

After the immediate aftershock of the first wave of missiles had passed, the remaining crewmen jumped to their feet and did exactly as the intercom was telling them to.

They manned their battlestations, and they returned fire.

Jason Harper was running faster then he ever had in his life. A giant hole had been ripped in the side of the mess hall, where he had been only half an hour earlier. He was terrified. He was angry. He was alive.


"Yes, Private?"

"Sir, the Bridge has been almost completely decimated. Captain Kyle is dead, and no one can find Admiral Trenor. The enemy is attacking on almost every flank, even though we've only indentified one ship. We are without a definite leader - what are your orders?"

"Ummm... rally as many crewmen as you can - I expect a boarding party will be on its way shortly."

"Yes, sir!"

Turns out we didn't have to wait long for the boarding party to arrive. With a huge BANG and the sound of metal being torn to shreds, the announcement came over the speakers announcing the arrival of enemy troops. Mere seconds later, as Jason was running down a corridor that lead to the remains of one of the fighter bays, a group of... beings... came around a corner.

As Jason moved for his sidearm, one of the boarders raised its weapon and opened fire. Dozens of projectiles that could only be described as miniature lightning bolts came whirring down the hallway, directly towards Jason.

As he dived, he pulled his laser-pistol and let loose three rounds of the lethal beam-weapon.

Almost in slow motion, all three caught the lead intruder directly in the chest. A direct hit!

But it did not fall. It did not scream in pain. It did not die.

Just as the attacker raised its weapon once more, a huge roar, followed by more shredding of metal, rocked the ship to its core. It also knocked the attackers off their feet.

Seizing the opportunity, Jason pulled the safety on an Ion grenade and gave it a heave down the corridor towards the intruders. Seconds later, there was a brilliant flash of white light, followed by a tremendous BOOM as the grenade detonated. After he had regained his senses, Jason peered over towards the area of the hall where the intruders had been. They stood no more.

Jason slowly climbed to his feet and walked over towards what appeared to be a body of one of the attackers. It was dressed in completely black armor, with a facemask concealing its identity. Jason knelt down, reached over, and pulled off the mask.

With a cry of shock and terror, he threw the mask aside and stared directly at the face of the attacker. Only two words escaped from his awestruck mouth...

"They've returned..."

on Feb 06, 2009

This is fantastic..keep it coming cypher.brilliant.

on Feb 07, 2009

Chapter 3

June 2, 2239

Onboard the TAS Rising Sun - Somewhere in Hyperspace

'This is bad. This is very bad. I can't believe they're back. How did they survive? Why are they here?'

'What should I do?'

Jason's mind was spinning. He felt like he was in a state of total shock. They were back, and there was nothing he could think of that could stop them.

On the spur of a sudden idea, Jason reached into his pocket and pulled out his comm-link...

"Private Keyes! Private Keyes! Can you hear me?"

"... I read ya loud and clear, Sergeant. What's going on?"

"Private, is the communications array still operating?"

"Yes, sir."

"Private, I need you to send an alert directly to Terra. Tell them... tell them they've returned."

"Yes, sir. Who, sir?"

"... the Quiet Ones."

"... Oh my God. You don't mean the..."

"Yes, Private. That's exactly who I mean."


"We don't have time to question how or why they've returned. They're back. They're powerful. They want to kill us. Send the message."

"Yes, sir. Transmitting... now."

on Feb 07, 2009

Chapter 4

... the Quiet Ones.

In the year 2229, the Terran planet Kios suddenly went quiet over all communication channels. After waiting for one standard day, the Terran Alliance sent a Survey ship over to Kios to see what the problem was.

Upon reaching the planet, all transmissions from the ship went quiet.

With the ship quiet, and an unknown ailment afflicting the planet, the Terran government held an emergency Council meeting to discuss the situation. The Council decided to send out a fleet of five Terran frigates to investigate the disappearances.

When the fleet reached the planet, three of the five ships' homing beacons cut out instantly...

"Beta Fleet! Beta Fleet! Respond! This is the Terran Naval Control Center - please respond!"

Static. Nothing but static. Then...

"... this is the TAS Endeavor. We're under heavy fire - send help immediately!"

"TNCC to TAS Endeavor - what happened to the other ships?"

"Destroyed... send help immediately!"

"Who's attacking you?"

"... we don't know. We can barely see their ships - they're pure black... we can't even hit them. Send help immediately!"

"Roger that - Titan Fleet is responding. What's the current condition of the planet?"


"TNCC to TAS Endeavor - please retransmit last message."

"... planet burn... lo..s... blac... What the hell!"

At that moment, there was a rush of fierce static, followed by the sound of a deafening explosion, then there was nothing...

"TAS Endeavor, please respond!"

Static. Nothing but static...

"TAS Endeavor, please respond!"

Static. Nothing but static...

on Feb 08, 2009

Great Writing! Look forward to more

on Feb 08, 2009

Thanks DA! It's good to finally see some fellow Tyrants around here...

Chapter 5 should be up in an hour or two.

on Feb 08, 2009

Chapter 5

... there was only one signal left transmitting. The signal was very weak, but it was worth a shot...

"TNCC to Beta Fleet! Come in Beta Fleet!"

"... this is the TAS Silver Wind. We're taking on heavy enemy fire. Send help immediately!"

"Roger that - help is on the way. What's the status on the Endeavor?"


"TNCC to TAS Silver Wind - please retransmit last message."

"... the Endeavor has been destroyed. We are all that is left of Beta Fleet. Please - how long until help arrives?"

"Titan Fleet is set to arrive in approximately fifteen minutes. Can you hold out until then?"

"I doubt it - from the looks of things, we're outnumbered almost five to one. And on top of that, we can't even get a fix on any of their ships. It's like they're not even there."

"TAS Silver Wind - can you identify the nationality of the aggressors?"

"... they bear no markings. They're as black as the space around them, and they block our tracking beams, so we can't shoot them down. Have you ever heard of this before?"

"Negative. Is there any chance you can make a HyperJump before Titan Fleet arrives?"

"... our HyperDrive was damaged in the initial attack. It would take at least an hour to repair it enough for a short jump."

"Roger that - get your repair teams working on it anyway. Titan Fleet's WarpDrives just activated - they will arrive in approximately ten minutes. Hold on Silver Wind."

"We'll try. Is there any way we can attempt to repel these attackers? We still can't get a lock on th..."

Just then, there was a massive explosion, followed by the sound of a dozen men screaming, then there was nothing...

"TAS Silver Wind, please respond!"

"... oh my God! Hit the dec..."

Another explosion, more screaming, and then the sound of shredding metal and the vacuum of space sucking at the ship...

"... lock the ship down! Reverse the prox... what the hell! That's not possible! Evasiv..."

After that, the most horrific, God-aweful explosion ever, was heard over the comm-link. There was no screaming. Just the explosion, then nothing...

"Silver Wind, please respond!"

There was no response. Just static...

"TAS Silver Wind, please resp..."



"The Silver Wind's beacon just went dark. It's gone sir..."

on Feb 09, 2009

My goodness this is a cracking start Cypher-truly gripping stuff-very well written and highly suspenseful

May I ask-is this based on a game and if so what are the game settings?


on Feb 09, 2009

Thanks mambaman.

This AAR is not based on any single game in particular. It's based on many aspects of the game, as well as some experiences I've had over the span of several games.

If I was to categorize the settings of those games, I'd say most (if not all) are Gig., common stars and planets, common anomalies, normal/fast tech rate, Tough/Painful difficulty. That's my game of choice, if I'm not going for a quick finish.

Some parts of this AAR really can't come from anything except imagination, but quite a few parts of it are from experiences I've had over the span of several games. Thanks for asking.

on Feb 16, 2009

well you keep it coming-this is a cracker and very well written

on Feb 16, 2009

Thanks. Sorry for the delay - I've been more busy then usual, but I should have the next chapter up by the end of the week at the latest; hopefully sooner.

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