Hello. I am General Cypher and I am a brand new member to the Metaverse and I am now open to being "persuaded" into joining someone's empire. I have several months of experience accumulated from playing TA on a "Tough" level of difficulty and I am ready to fight some real players. I hope that whatever empire persuades me to join will be respectful and friendly to me since I am just starting out. That does not mean that you have to be respectful or friendly to whatever empire's butt your whooping in the game. Just to me as I get started. Thank you and let the bribing begin.
~ Cypher ~
The above banner represents the empire I am currently a member of. I strongly encourage any and all visitors to this thread to please click the above banner. The banner will transport you to the ToE's main website, where wholesome and friendly chat about the game, or anything else in general, can take place. Thank you and Best Regards.